on sea ice, on which they hunt seals.
(photo: Manitoba Conservation.)
They may not be around much longer, so Vleeptron will keep posting stories about and images of them.
I've seen them in the wild in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada, on Hudson Bay. You can, too, if you act quickly, because a huge flock of eco-tourists from all over the planet heads for Churchill when the polar bears migrate through town on the cusp of October/November. Now's the time to book a hotel room in Churchill and a seat on the wonderful train that takes 2.5 days through the wilderness to reach Churchill from Winnipeg.
The Bush Administration says everything's fine, there is no Global Warming, the polar ice isn't melting, the U.S.A. doesn't need to sign the Kyoto Protocols, the polar bears are just fine.
Here's what happens to U.S. government scientists who think differently and want to say so out loud.
A team of U.S. government scientists was the first to report that polar bears have begun drowning in the Arctic Ocean as the sea distances from ice mass to ice mass get longer.
The Washington Post (DC USA)
Saturday 10 March 2007 Page A06
Inquiry Sought on Agency Memo
About Polar Bears, Climate Change
by Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Two senior House Democrats demanded yesterday that Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne turn over documents to Congress in order to determine whether the administration was preventing federal scientists traveling abroad from discussing how global warming affects polar bears.
In a letter to Kempthorne, Bart Gordon (Tenn.), chairman of the House Committee on Science and Technology, and Brad Miller (N.C.), chairman of the investigations and oversight subcommittee, questioned why the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issued a directive that has stirred protests from environmentalists.
This "appears to be the latest effort by the Bush Administration to block a full and free discussion of issues relating to climate change by the scientific community," they wrote.
The internal memo was sent to the wildlife agency's Alaska division under the heading "Foreign Travel -- New Requirement -- Please Review and Comply, Importance: High."
The memo, which was reported in other media on Thursday, cautioned employees against speaking about the relationship between climate change and the possible extinction of polar bears without getting official approval in advance. Those discussions became official business in late December when Kempthorne, faced with lawsuits by environmentalists, proposed listing polar bears as a species threatened with extinction.
The memo stated:
"Please be advised that all foreign travel requests (SF 1175 requests) and any future travel requests involving or potentially involving climate change, sea ice, and/or polar bears will also require a memorandum from the Regional Director to the Director indicating who'll be the official spokesman on the trip and the one responding to questions on these issues, particularly polar bears, including a statement of assurance that these individuals understand the Administration's position on these issues."
In an interview, the Fish and Wildlife Service's director, H. Dale Hall, said the agency is not trying to censor scientists but cannot allow them to discuss subjects not on the agenda of official foreign meetings.
"The agenda is actually negotiated between these countries that are going to attend," Hall said. "... you have to be extremely careful."
But Deborah Williams, an Interior official in the Clinton administration who heads the advocacy group Alaska Conservation Solutions, said the directive amounts to stifling government scientists' freedom of expression.
"These memos are an outrage, and do a great disservice to federal employees and to advancing discussion and knowledge on these critical issues," said Williams, who provided the memos to news organizations this week.
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© 2007 The Washington Post Company
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another example of the hypocritcal stupid bush administration. Id like to see this administration locked away in a room with nothing to breathe but greenhouse gas
By shirleythomasrn | Mar 9, 2007 11:10:56 PM | Request Removal
According to the Bush Administration, there is an inverse relationship between the rise in Corporate Profits and the decrease in Polar Bears.
By farmasea | Mar 9, 2007 11:20:37 PM | Request Removal
To get rid of those greenhouse gases how about nuclear power? It burns no fossil fuels and creates no pollution. If the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste depository is used we have a safe disposal option. And as time passes we always find more efficient ways of doing things. And that includes even safer disposal or total destruction of nuclear waste. It is the only clean alternative that can power millions of homes. Solar and wind power are intellectually attractive but cant provide practical amounts of power. To provide the current power being used in Pennyslvania, for instance, it would take solar panels covering the entire state side by side. No trees, no plants, just solar panels from border to border. Basically the entire country of France I know, we hate France gets its energy from nuclear power. They have no problems. Grade schools regularly take field trips to their plants. It just part of their lives with no gnashing of teeth like in America. The technology available now makes it safe, efficient, and pollution free. I know what happened in Russia. A dilapidated government plant, understaffed and lacking critical upgrades and repairs had problems. We dont manage plants like that in America and they dont in France either. And yes, I would have one in my back yard. In fact, a nuclear power plant is nearby. No, I don work for them. But they do create very good paying jobs and stimulate the local economy. Plus they help keep utility rates fairly reasonable. Well, got to put on my helmet and take cover. The anti-nuclear crew will be out in force shortly.
By Winnsurf | Mar 9, 2007 11:40:20 PM | Request Removal
there are some things on the drawing board that will make these coal burning plants obsolete within 12 years... _that_ , needs to be taken into account . There is also clean burn and using solar energy for multiple levels of electricity and heating and cooling... there is no need for the number of plants planned , the can be cut by a bout 2/3 and funding used in other places... coal needs to be conserved and used in industrial process... it is essential in some metalurgical and glass making situations... there will be industrial uses for coal well into the next century... to deplete it now is to make use as a way of damaging the environment by not actually looking at an efficient use of a non renewable resource... when rich people are allowed to pass laws that affect everyone and do it from the position of ...I am a rich person that knows jack sh*t about the world around me and I want to maintain my fortune regardless of what it does to you... we need to take the same attitude and shoot them in the knees ...figuratively of course... and eliminate that option... take back America from the selfish and make them obey the laws...you have to... Arrest the Bushes , Cheney , Rumsfeld , Douglas Feith , Perle , Wolfowitz , Libby some more , John Negroponte and others ....make an example of them... take their properties and leave them penniless , let them know what is like to be forced to live without options because of the actions of others.... help them move into the real world by giving them some....
By amonster | Mar 10, 2007 12:44:49 AM | Request Removal
there are a slew of things that would make managing our energy more fun , interesting and increase quality of life... one thing would be to enact laws regarding government workers and telecommuting... a federal mandate to reduce the amount of driving time for federal workers in DC would be a major relief for anyone living in the Virginia/Maryland/DC area as commutes right now are horrendous... enforcing regulations on automanufacturers to get the 32 MPGs that we _all_ know that they _can_ get... having a gas rationing that is patterned on making excessive users pay more to do that... leaving commercial gasoline rates the same... improving rail usage for commuting and shipping... making use of bus lanes in all major cities ...examing city infrastructures and modifying suburban land usage to better keep our cities as urban life centers rather than as places that we visit... blah blah blah... there are many ways to cut down , and have a better life all the way around , because we are paying less for it and spending less time on the road... efficient use of what we have gives us a better life... what corporations are selling _you_ is what makes your life worse and your quality of life diminishes.... notice that the middle class is missing and all of our jobs and manufacturing are overseas... ? called customer service lately ? do you speak urdu?
By amonster | Mar 10, 2007 12:53:24 AM | Request Removal
when rich people are allowed to pass laws that affect everyone and do it from the position of ...I am a rich person that knows jack sh*t about the world around me and I want to maintain my fortune regardless of what it does to you... we need to take the same attitude and shoot them in the knees ...figuratively of course... and eliminate that option... take back America from the selfish and make them obey the laws...you have to... Arrest the Bushes , Cheney , Rumsfeld , Douglas Feith , Perle , Wolfowitz , Libby some more , John Negroponte and others ....make an example of them... take their properties and leave them penniless , let them know what is like to be forced to live without options because of the actions of others.... help them move into the real world by giving them some....
By amonster | Mar 10, 2007 12:54:36 AM | Request Removal
Theres nothing good that can be said about this situation.
By timscanlon | Mar 10, 2007 3:09:27 AM | Request Removal
1 comment:
hey gerry --
thanks for bringing CSP to Vleeptron's attention.
how sucky nuclear power is is an old story on Vleeptron. Where the cutting-edge electric generating alternatives are ... well, I really appreciate the CSP post.
I should add that I've taken 2 trips to Iceland recently. Their situation is somewhat unique, but they have a huge surplus of electricity from geothermal sources -- they tap directly into heat and steam from the volcanism all over the island. They're using their embarassment des riches to start an aluminum refining industry, and are even thinking of laying the world's first undersea POWER (not communications) cable to sell their excess electricity to Scandinavia.
Fossil's got to go. Nuclear's got to end. The real energy for the future is in harnessing our intelligence and creativity to find and exploit clean alternatives.
(My blue-sky pie-in-the-sky money's still on an eventual breakthrough in controlled fusion.)
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