Supplying the science hobbyist, industry, government, schools & universities since 1998.
"We specialize in small orders"
Plutonium-Gallium Metal Alloy element alloy: Pu-Ga ( buttons ) We have a limited quantity of Supergrade (<4% Pu-240) Plutonium-Gallium metal buttons. The addition of 1% Gallium makes this material easily machinable as opposed to pure Plutonium. Our Plutonium metal buttons (pits) are manufactured here in Michigan, in our own breeder reactor located near the Laingsburg International Airport. Sold in 2 kg 'buttons' as pictured above. Please Note: you must be at least 21 years old to purchase Plutonium. Due to critical mass concerns, multiple orders for Plutonium buttons cannot be shipped together as they violate U.S. postal regulations and may present a serious fire hazard. 1 button: $465,850.00 | Plutonium Oxide chemical formula: PuO2 ( fine powder ) For the real doi-it-youselfer - who insists on making everything from scratch - we are now offering Plutonium Oxide. Produce your own pure Plutonium metal from our high quality Plutonium Oxide. Remember, if you are fabricating your own weapon pit, you'll need about 11 kg (24.2 lbs) of Plutonium (unless you are using an advanced pit design). Make sure you buy enough the first time so you don't have to re-cast your core! 8 ounces: $50,300.00 |
Krytron Trigger Tube part number: KN-2 ( electronic tube ) Lose that unstable homemade electro-mechanical trigger and upgrade to an all-electronic Krytron! Better overall weapon reliability and higher yield. Nothing is as embarrassing as a lower than predicted yield with everyone watching. Our EG&G KN-2 Krytron Tube easily handles the today's higher levels of detonation currents and reliably fires your detonators on time, every time. Recommended operating parameters: 2,500 to 3,500 volts, 100 to 200 amps. KN-2 Krytron: $1,350.00 | Core Assembly Kit ( Pit not included ) ( kit ) If you have limited time available and limited machining capabilities, consider our Core Assembly Kit. The perfect shortcut to get your physics package together in record time. Includes an attractive black anodized Aluminum Pusher and a highly polished, Nickel plated Depleted Uranium Tamper. Note: Pu-239 core not included - inert brass core shown above for size comparison. Core Assembly Kit: $95,600.00 |
Classic Fission Bomb Plans 'Fat Man' design ( blueprints ) Sure, modern fission weapons have higher yield and efficiencies, but there's something about classic designs that we all love. These are the classic 'Fat Man' plans in an easy step-by-step format complete with over 200 illustrations and we're now including a DVD with close-up videos of all steps to help with final assembly. Note that you'll need at least 12 to 15 kg of Pu-239 for this device. Fission Bomb Plans: $950.00 | 'Fat Man' Delivery Casing original color scheme ( casing ) We can't offer classic Fat Man plans without the classic Fat Man Delivery Casing to go with them. Granted, most applications don't require a full flight casing, but without one your gadget looks like a pile of wires & junk that came from a military surplus yard. Place your completed core assembly into our authentic Fat Man Delivery Casing and your weapon will get the respect it deserves. Original paint as shown. Guaranteed you'll like this so much you won't want to detonate it. Note: due to weight limitations we cannot ship this item via UPS - additional Truck shipping charges will apply. Fat Man Delivery Casing: $36,450.00 |
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