Gee, Agence-Vleeptron Presse sure wishes we had a Mensch-on-the-Ground somewhere near Bern CH, so we could find out something about the museum that opened in 2005 dedicated to the works of the Kunstler/artist Paul Klee.
Maybe it's very small or easy to overlook. Maybe nobody in Bern has said anything about it. Maybe they didn't put up any signs advertising the place. Maybe there are no busses or trams or roads or bicycle paths to Schöngrün. (Does that mean "pretty green place"?)
If we had an observant M-o-t-G in or near Bern, maybe we could learn all the local gossip about Zentrum Paul Klee, and maybe about Paul himself.
Personally, I believe that anybody who is awarded Swiss citizenship six days after he dies deserves a fancy new museum. Who says government bureaucrats aren't responsive to the needs of people?
I got to thinking about my fave artist yesterday when I finally got a Comment on the second post I posted to the new VleeptronZ, which was titled
pretty young nude Suisse women / Hübsch jung nackt Suisse Frauen hier on Vleeptron_Z!
Well, okay, it was my old scam of luring people to Vleeptron with outlandish false promises of filthy porn and huge sacks of free money. When they got there to see the nude Swiss women, all they saw was a painting by Paul Klee. Of a woman. If you can tell.
(Actually I used to date a woman who looked exactly like her, maybe the daughter of the model who posed for Klee. Did he actually make women stand around in his atelier for weeks while he painted things that looked like that?)
So yesterday kommst Dirty Girl who schreibt:
Dirty Girl said...
well hopefully you get riolling again and here is a comment to bring the spiders back to ya. Good luck to you
Saturday, 22 September, 2007
Vleeptron Dude said...
As you can see, I am hopeless at the porn industry, I try to post nude women and they hang in the art gallery. But YOU ... there's the Real Stuff! Danke!
Saturday, 22 September, 2007
So if you go to that post, you can admire the beautiful Paul Klee painting -- which maybe now hangs in Zentrum Paul Klee -- and then when you get bored looking at the beautiful art, you can click on Dirty Girl's name and see some genuine industrial porn. Where, exactly, Dirty Girl comes from I don't know, but her juggling of English makes me think she is from Mitteleuropa, so maybe she got to VleeptronZ because she was Googling for jung nackt Suisse Frauen. I hope she also found the healthy attractive Suisse Frauen und Mensche who were cheering for the Suisse team against Togo.
7 comments: be honest I did not know that this Museum existed just 5 minutes ago...and it is only about an hour away from me !! Now talk about Man On The Ground. Of course you were just teasing :) but i honestly did not know that one, art is nor really my cup of tea.
Could be in Bern in 45 minutes, then take the bus.
I could also ask the girl that I am sseing lately, she has a car so we could be there in less than an hour !! Let us see what the weather will be doing next weekend. And even if we are not going it is good to know that important pieces of art are in good reach :)
Sorry if I was poking at you with a sharp stick :-)
Just as architecture, it really looks like something I would want to see -- whether it looks gorgeous and adventurous up close, or whether it is one of those unfortunate Modern Mistakes.
The stuph inside -- well, it is a mystery why Klee's work has always captured my imagination since I was a kid, because I am very badly schooled in visual art.
But apparently the Zentrum has hosed up a huge amount of Klee's art. With the Zentrum, Bern seems to be trying to do what Amsterdam has done with the Van Gogh Museum.
So I hope you like tourists. Try to be a little tolerant of them. Soon one of them will be me if I have any luck.
Anyway, I posted the map of how to get to the Zentrum, so now you have no excuse not to visit. Kindly send full report, and say hi to your pal with the car. (Don't tell her some idiot from the US told you about it.)
...and make an idiot out of myself ? Nah, mate, hard enough to compete with her jealous dog. But while you still fantasize about that trip to Europe you with no doubt promised to the Missus with all the money from your next best-seller (just the Foreign Rights alone will finace this trip i reckon) here is a Paul Klee teaser from the youtube gen
And another one
One about Bern
...and nothing to do with Paul Klee, but not far away, the coolest medieval/baroque city EVER. Only 10 km away from where I live. they forgot a few things but in any case this will make you green with envy
Thank you
Hello Young Girls Photo --
So glad you liked the pretty young Suisse woman! Did you see there is now a huge new museum of Paul Klee's art in CH? You could spend all day looking at these beautiful images -- you could spend all week! (But each night you have to leave and go back to your hotel, but you can come back again in the morning.)
This will not have effect as a matter of fact, that's what I suppose.
Quite worthwhile material, thanks for your post.
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