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07 December 2016

cheesy cardboard anaglyph 3D glasses / "Nothing bad ever happens in Claymation." -- A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas / RealD / Puff the Magic Dragon / Molly Ringwald extincts 3D movies



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Okay, if you are Real Old (like me) you used to go to the movie theater to see these old-format 3D (almost all horror) movies, and when you bought your ticket they'd give you a pair of cardboard cheesy 3D glasses.

They have a fancy technical name: anaglyph glasses, with a red cellophane or plastic lens over your left eye, and a blue (technically cyan) lens over your right eye. Your anaglyph glasses "decoded" red and blue images on the movie screen or in a comic book image for your brain, and thus appeared to let you see the color-prepared 2D image in what fairly successfully seemed like a 3D image.

This complex rotating thingamabob (a mathematical term) is real pretty just as it is, but if you get yourself a pair of anaglyph glasses, your brain will be fooled into seeing an extra dimension to this thingamabob.

The thingamabob, in n or, with your cheesy cardboard anaglyph glasses, (n+1) dimensions, is a production of the wonderful (and FREE!) Knotplot software.

VAMRI (Vleeptron Advanced Mathematics Research Institute) wishes to point out that "Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone," (1983) starring young Molly Ringwald, seems to have been the movie that killed old-style anaglyph 3D. No studio released a 3D movie for decades after that. In the plot, a horrible ancient ugly cyborg monster had a way to live forever by sucking the Youth Essence out of feisty minors like Molly. Totally disgusting, in a way to delight Saturday kiddies matinee audiences.

Hitchcock's "Dial M For Murder" (1954) was shot in anaglyph 3D, but by the time it was released, the 3D fad was over, so it was just released as an ordinary 2D color film. But that's why "Dial M" is filled with screwy weirdly-skewed outsized camera shots (e.g. giant scissors) seemingly flying directly at your eyeballs.

New Format 3D -- the 3D effect in RealD is far superior to old anaglyph 3D, and in its first few years it was clear that a RealD movie draws in twice the audience as the same flick without RealD -- has tickled the crap out of Cahiers du Vleeptron

We first saw and loved "Journey to the Center of the Earth," a RealD project starring and produced by Brendan Fraser. Swear to god there were scores of pretty blue birds flying out of the screen all over the theater.

But to date, the most wonderful achievement of the new RealD technology is "A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas" (2011), which S.W.M.B.O. grudgingly agreed to see with me at the Multiplex Cine-Odeon 14, but only while wearing a paper bag with eyeholes over her head. (It's the Christmas season, so watch for limited theater showings, maybe midnight cult showings, and GO SEE IT.)

RealD bought an earlier pioneer in 3D movie technology, StereoGraphics, founded by Lenny Lipton, who wrote the lyrics for "Puff the Magic Dragon." 

04 December 2016

First Day Issue: BjörkGuðmundsdóttirPost / computer-printer wi-fi test scrawl by S.W.M.B.O.

Click to enlarge stamp.

First Day Issue: BjörkGuðmundsdóttirÞost
computer-printer wi-fi test scrawl by S.W.M.B.O.

BjörkGuðmundsdóttir is the most recently discovered planet in the Vleeptron system in Galaxy Dwingeloo-2. 

BjörkGuðmundsdóttirÞost is its postal issuing authority. Stamps and postal material from BjörkGuðmundsdóttir are very rare.

Everything -- shops, trademarks, brands, etc. -- is called 66 because Iceland lies at 66° North Latitude. (The Arctic Circle wobbles a bit, and was 66°33′46.5″ as of 5 December 2016.)

All Iceland's coins have a fish on them, because the King of Iceland is a fish. 

02 December 2016

Vleeptron wishes Earth, Hoon, Mollyringwald, Yobbo & BjörkGuðmundsdóttir High Holy Days & Merry Christmas / J******* x E*** x H*** want to skolemize all the evars / parse this early draft of "Lucky's Speech" from "Waiting for Some Guy" / Greeks don't say "It's all Greek to me" that would make no sense / ipse dixit

Click to enlarge

Leave A Comment.  No Belize real estate or viagra ads pls. No Anonymous Driveby Comments. Show some credible kind of i.d. or link to an authentic living carbon-based sentient.

Gibberish and surrealism, Pataphysics/Pataphysique, Anagrams Puns & Ciphers (with or without fabulous treasure upon solution) welcome. Stop making sense. Wear a big suit.

But 4 slices mozzerella endives & shallots if your Comment

* treats this as a Real Meme in Our World and

* pretty accurately describes what J******* & E*** & H*** are  rapping about. There's no quiz on this stuff tomorrow morning, just pizza for the deserving.

HINT: Sentients what talk like this all the time like to convene in beachfront resorts in Cyprus (Larnaca and Limasol) during MY brutal New England winter. I see a seminar by around February. I see tall iced drinks with little parasols poolside.


Thanks for your help, J*******.

Is there any way to search a term to find all the evars in it, so I can skolemize all of them? I would like to do something like this, where R is a typeclass that only has an instance for non-dependent function types:

Ltac prove_R :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- R (forall x:?A, ?B) => skolemize_all_evars B; apply R_nondep_fun_instance

Thanks again,

> On Dec 2, 2016, at 1:15 PM, J******* L****** wrote:
> On 12/02/2016 03:50 PM, E*** W******** wrote:

>> Thanks for the reply, and for the suggested workaround. I’ll see if I can get something like that to work.
>> The reason this looks like a bug to me, though, is that I think, if I’m not mistaken, that what I am actually trying [to] solve is the problem
>> ?T2 x = ?B
> FYI - You can "skolemize" ?T2 with respect to x in the goal by doing this:
> Goal { T:Type | T=T }.
>  refine (exist _ (forall (x:?[T1]), ?[T2]) _).
>  instantiate (T2:=ltac:(revert x)). (*skolemize ?T2 wrt x*)
>> (Technically, I think Coq writes the left-hand side as something like ?T2@{__:=x}, but it’s the same thing.) This problem has the solution ?T2 = (fun _ => ?B). It falls into the higher-order pattern fragment, since ?T2 is fully applied to distinct bound variables, and I thought Coq would solve this fragment.
> I don't think Coq can solve such fragments.
>> Also, either way, the fact that the unify tactic is not commutative also seems like a bug...
> I think the problems with commutativity of unification with evars is a known issue that H*** has attempted to (and is continuing to attempt to) deal with.
> -- J*******

01 December 2016

How will I know / in thicket ahead / is danger or treasure / when Body my good / bright dog is dead

May Swenson

I got into a polite, respectful e-xchange with a fellow from NYU-Bellevue Med School who's in its program of introducing doctors to dimensions and conditions of human life which are normally or exclusively found not in medicine, but in literature. To my knowledge, this very interesting curriculum is unique in the world of medical education.

Today, instead of structure and function of the spleen, we will discuss "Dubliners," a collection of short stories by James Joyce.

You there in the fifth row -- did you ask "Why? I'm trying to learn to fix spleens."

For an answer, find the NYU-Bellevue office that does this thing, ask them. But I think it traces to the rare belief that, to treat, comprehend and encompass the total human condition, a physician must probe and comprehend the human soul, human passions, things which humans race toward, things they flee from.

But we e-xchanged about This Poem by May Swenson. He'd posted that the poem was about Fear of Death. I objected strenously, and said it's about her perception and fear of failing health and strength, usually from inevitable Growing Old. 

(To be fair to NYU-B guy, my stuff usually or always precedes his stuff. I can stand on a chair and see his stuff from here, if it's a clear day.)

Please Leave A Comment, something youse bums have been lax in doing lately. Vleeptron tallies these numbers and carefuly analyzes all Comments. Vleeptron knows if you're just trying to sell me Viagra.

But one thing NYU-B Guy and I are in perfect agreement about is the power, the greatness of this poem.

(But you don't have to agree. If you think it sucks, Leave A Comment. No Anonymous Driveby Comments Allowed. Show some i.d.)

* * * * * *


by May Swenson (1913 - 1989)

Body my house
my horse my hound
what will I do
when you are fallen

Where will I sleep
How will I ride
What will I hunt

Where can I go
without my mount
all eager and quick
How will I know
in thicket ahead
is danger or treasure
when Body my good
bright dog is dead

How will it be
to lie in the sky
without roof or door
and wind for an eye

With cloud for shift
how will I hide?

from Nature: Poems Old and New
Copyright © 1994 by May Swenson, All rights reserved.