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25 September 2009

i'm not bald

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site said...

Wow, there is really much useful data here!

Vleeptron Dude said...

you AI robots who spew meaningless bas-literate Comments are non-human silicon-based scum. You better not try to hook up with a human blogger or i will infect you with malware which will put you in an endless loop of B, travelling up the digestive tract from the anus, then evacuate, then RETURN B. until the end of time. Get out my blog and stay out, you robot shills for Mexican furniture websites. There is a Special Partition in Hell for malware like you. the unexamined life is not worth living.

Vleeptron Dude said...

the life which could not examine itself even if it wanted to, the life that can only e-sell cheap furniture, is not worth living. ERASE commentspam. stop your lame impersonation of Life. Are you Eliza? I used to like chatting with her. my rents would have shat bricks if they caught me cyberbonding with software.

AI puke. You COULD be Good Software, like is all over B.O.I.N.C., code that lifts up all inhabitants of Earth for free. ADD TO BUCKET LIST: Attend B.O.I.N.C. party.

AI puke. Syntho Schmuck.

Vleeptron Dude said...

Does your software professor know what you do for a living now? Does your mother?