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14 December 2009

PizzaQ (Vleeptron Honor System): wtf does this sign mean???

Click image, maybe it gets bigger.

Okay, now this is a VLEEPTRON HONOR SYSTEM PizzaQ -- no Googling, no Binging, no telephoning Klaas in Rotterdam, no asking Mom for help. Do your own work. Take personal pride in figuring it out all by yourself.

Or, if you have no honor, if you are an unhonorable person, this is a SPEED TEST PizzaQ -- if you're the first Commentor with the correct answer, just write in your Comment:

I have no honor. I was too lazy
to try to figure out the meaning
of this acronym by myself.
Or I tried, but I was too stupid.
So I Googled it.

(Dishonorable Answers must identify themselves with your full name and your location, so everyone in the Blogosphere will know what kind of person you are.)

But anyway ... believe it or not, about 4000 human beings know instantly and exactly what this sign means.

Think reallllllly hard and maybe you'll be No. 4001.

For the first correct Honor System answer: 1 large pizza with shallots, shitaki mushrooms, garlic and endives.

For the first correct Dishonorable answer: 1 slice that I found left on a table on a paper napkin in the high school cafeteria.

When somebody gets the right answer, I'll credit the photographer.


abbas said...

heh howdy smith college lesbo's. how do you do? been there done that and walked on the grass too! i've hung out in the five colleges area a LOT. most of it at amherst, but had my fair share at smith and hung out in northhampton too. a lot of was also spent up north from there at bennington college with the hippy's at world's end.

i'll let the others keep playing hoping they get my hint.

Abbas said...

also bonus question with extra swine (just cuz i don't eat any), identify this bridge here which my roommate is standing in front of and me displaying my wonderful photography with my kodak disposable camera which i got for $2.99.

even bigger question which gets you free lasagna, why did we take this picture and why does he have the grin on his face?

Vleeptron Dude said...

Well the bridge is easy: the old railroad bridge just upstream from the Calvin Coolidge Route 9 highway bridge over the Connecticut River. The railroad bridge was recycled as the Northampton - Amherst bicycle path.

Is that Nick, and does he Love Jen? And did he write the graffiti that also says: All Your Base Is Belong To Us?

Fun Fact about the bike path: The contractor sold the park authority on a new super-amazing hi-tek surface. Within a year, shards of glass in the mix surfaced, and ever since then have been puncturing everybody's bike tires.

Yup, you sure nailed Smith College. Here's a hint for those still trying to win the pizza: The acronym refers to something (not the sign itself) you can see in the photo.

Oh, I'm not supposed to eat swine, either. But somewhat like Turks who like to knock back a bit of alcohol, I have been known to make a ham sandwich vanish.

Did you ever hear about the loneliest pig in the world? He's on exhibit at the Kabul Zoo. Hareem doesn't mean you can't look at him for educational purposes.

Disposable cameras rock in a pinch! I had to rely on one to take this snap of a Very Famous & Very Important Machine:

(I wish I could figure out how to make a hot link like you can, but ...)

Vleeptron Dude said...

HALAL! grrrr I meant halal! grrrrr.

Vleeptron Dude said...

No no I was (almost) right the first time:

Forbidden = harAAm

Permitted = halaal

Everybody knows Kosher, but its forbidden opposite is Trayfe. I've blogged before about alliances in the USA and UK between Muslims and Jews to protect and keep the integrity of the kosher and halaal food industries.

Abbas said...

nailed the aybabtu reference. notice the time stamp, 01. the height of the aybabtu era. i was pissed off that driving all over the states and canada i had never seen a single reference and suddenly there it was right in front of us we pulled over and took the picture. and actually thats steve, but his wife is jen.

Vleeptron Dude said...

Why don't you ever believe me? I'm posting a Reuters story and photo about the only known pig in Afghanistan now.

You got to read this whack story, the Kabul Zoo sounds like the most thrilling, interesting Zoo on Earth.

A wild boar may be first kissing cousin to a domestic meat swine pig, but a boar isn't a pig. And I know, because a family of wild boar once made me scramble up a tree in South Texas.

Okay, so uhhhh ... what did you do with the boar after the hunt?

Aman B. said...

No Google, just using my brain for ~10 seconds...

"Please Do Not Walk On The Grass If You Are...G.A."

Can't figure out the "G.A." part, guessing it is either the name of the locals of that area or something like "environmentally friendly"

Aman B. said...

P.S. and I didn't read the comments, of course...

P.P.S. G.A. = Good Acronymist?

Vleeptron Dude said...

Aman B.!!! You win 10/12 = 5/6 of the Pizza!!!

But you're a first-time Commentor to Vleeptron, and your nick has no link to a website or blog, so before before we certify your Pizza ...

* Who are you?
* What are you?
* Where are you?
* How did you stumble onto this PizzaQ?

While Vleeptron waits for you to introduce yourself -- giving others a last chance to figure out the last two letters G.A. (and win 2/12 = 1/6 of the Pizza) -- let me explain PizzaQs.

Yes, you've really earned some free Pizza. But either you have to come out here (Western Massachusetts USA) or I have to go where you are to buy you the Pizza.

Aman B. said...

Ha-ha, counting pizza slices makes me hungry! :)

Thank you, I am hoping to keep earning pizzas from you until their cost justifies my plane tickets :)

I'm a bit of a nerd, so stumbling upon your site today totally ceased other things I was doing :) The link that led me here was actually quite random, I was preparing puzzles for a Christmas party and while pondering over popularity of certain facts, jokingly googled "how+famous+is"+dancing+house+prague
and ended up on your site.

I'm from Vancouver, BC, btw.

Cheers, and thanks for the cool stuff on your site - keep blogging! :)

P.S. Must have the whole pizza! "Government Agents"? "Graduated Already"? (if the latter, I cheated, cause after posting first comment I read Abbas's comment about colleges)

Vleeptron Dude said...

Vancouver! What a relief! I was afraid I'd have to buy you your pizza in Cleveland or Pittsburgh or Winnipeg! If I get to Vancouver before you get here -- Northampton Massachusetts more or less -- I'll be thrilled to discharge my PizzaQ obligations there!

You're SO CLOSE! SO NEAR! Keep trying! But you've already earned 5/6 of the prize!

Abbas is in Toronto and is So Honorable that he didn't try for the Pizza even though he'd been there and knew what the sign meant!

I think if you google "PizzaQ" you'll get about a dozen of Vleeptron's previous PizzaQs. Most of them don't trust anybody's sense of honor.

Aman B. said...

Greenpeace Activist?

Vleeptron Dude said...

Noooo ...

Okay, I'll pretend you begged and whined for a hint.

Think like the college greenskeeper/landscaper.

What kind of occupation is nerd? Could you be a little more specific?

Have you been up the coast to see the Spirit Bear? I really want to see that part of BC.

Aman B. said...

Sorry, been busy last couple of days...

I'm a sysadmin with a keen interest in math, science, and pretty much everything else. Not much experience in traveling around the province - I prefer cities to nature...

Any plans to come visit Vancouver for Olympic games?

P.S. Last attempt and I'll stop guessing - "goofing around"?

Vleeptron Dude said...

I seem to have drifted from Born & Raised City Boy to ... who's the Canadian equivalent of Daniel Boone? Well, I've become sort of a half-assed Farley Mowat. At least I want to see these places and get some kind of grasp on who and what lives there, and what my relationship is to it.

I still love great cities. But I'm drawn to the wild places. If I can get there with some reasonable spartan comfort. And get home alive.

Okay I am blowing the whistle on your amazingly close efforts:


... specifically the big central Chapin lawn on the Smith College campus. In other words, use the sidewalks.

The photo was filched from Melody Wu's blog. To fully enjoy Melody Wu's blog, it will help a lot if you can read Chinese. But she has the best set of photos from the town where I just lived for 26 years -- 3 months ago we bailed on it and moved to The Woods.

Do you know anything about mechanical proof and verification systems for huge mathematical constructs -- i.e., huge software packages and huge CPU chips? Crap like Coq, an environment which proves these constructs work and are consistent.

I just thought I'd ask while I had you on the line.

James J. Olson said...

Leave it to Smith to be this obscure. Most colleges pay attention to the 'demand paths', those initially un-designed dead places on lawns in places like colleges, and eventually pave them over with lovely bricks or less lovely asphalt.

Melody Wu said... comes Melody Wu. Two years after you posted my picture and mentioned my blog..I found your blog while googling my name for fun. Lol.

Vleeptron Dude said...

Hiya Hiya Melody Wu --

You still at Smith? If not, where have you moved on to? Grad school? You gonna be a what? Did you like Smith?

As you can see, I still can't read Chinese. Can you play Weiqei?

Anyway, welcome to Planet Vleeptron!