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19 October 2007

in defense of Ron Paul the right-wing nutcase -- Vleeptron gets some spam, Vleeptron spams back

Whoops, I pressed [REPLY ALL] by mistake. Well, too late to fix it, I hope everybody will forgive me.

I probably won't end up voting for Ron Paul in November ''08.

But as I've listened to and read about nearly all the other candidates, boy, am I tempted.

I've always been uncomfortable thinking of myself as a "single-issue" voter. But if we get down to the wire, and my neighbors' children in uniform are still nothing more than bullseye targets in Iraq and Afghanistan, waiting to come home to Dover Air Force Base in flag-draped coffins, and lifelong substandard medical help from Walter Reed and the VA, the Iraq War is a Single Issue worthy of my vote.

And Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich are the only candidates who flat-out, unequivocally say they'll end the Iraq War and bring our troops home immediately upon assuming the presidency.

To the best extent that I can comprehend the vague, qualified statements of the big-money big-media candidates most likely to win the nominations, that makes Paul and Kucinich unique.

Some candidates are positively FOR continuing the endless, foot-shooting, pre-lost ghastly war. Others fill their mildly non-pro-war statements with caution and slow conditional schedules -- during which more of my neighbors' daughters and sons will die.

I'll be happy to hear and consider your citations of a clear, unequivocal promise to end the war from any of the "serious, mainstream" candidates. I just haven't heard any yet.

I note in particular Hillary Rodham Clinton's jingo sabre-rattling Senate vote to declare the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization -- which lame ducks Bush and Cheney will most certainly claim as Congress's Green Light to launch a military attack against Iran. She joins the perfectly sane Joe Lieberman in pushing us toward yet another American war in the region, as she tries to convince American voters that our first woman president can be as dangerous, violent and war-happy as any man.

(Obama criticized her for that vote -- but forgot to cast his own vote.)

I'm an Army veteran, the last of the Vietnam-era draftees. My two years were safe enough. But I lost friends whom I still miss and grieve for; their names are on the Vietnam War Memorial which I've never had the nerve to visit in my hometown of DC.

I never imagined the US would bumble into another lie-based catastrophic scoundrels' War Without End again, but as of today, 3830 flag-draped coffins of my neighbors' young children in uniform have been flown home, the wards of our military and veterans' hospitals are filling with the maimed and the shell-shocked, and the Iraq War has lasted longer than it took America to win World War Two against Germany, Italy and Japan. Iraq's civilian children, women and men killed, wounded and rendered homeless refugees since the American-led invasion -- practically innumerable.

Now we have to start designing a new war memorial on the Mall.

I take exception only to calling Ron Paul a nutcase. That slur implies that our officials in the White House, cabinet and Congress who permit this atrocity to go on and refuse even to discuss ending it are sane and emotionally normal.

When the candidates who promise to end the war immediately are dismissed as nutcases and marginalized moonbats and fruitcakes, and the public officials who enable and facilitate this genocidal catastrophe can pass our common notions of mental-health scrutiny ...

Ron Paul has a "day job" as an obstetrician, and boasts on his Congressional website of the thousands of babies he's helped bring into this world.

I've watched "right-wing nutcases" and marginalized left-wing moonbeams and moonbats come and go in the last four decades of American politics.

If this vile war keeps dragging on, Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich deserve a little of your time and research and serious consideration. If you're feeling particularly wild and whacky, maybe even a little of your money. (Paul's fund-raising, all stuffed in envelopes from ordinary people, none from corporate mega-interests, has been startlingly strong.)

You may vote for a "sensible and serious" candidate instead. For almost every voter, that's how the game is supposed to play out.

That's how we got Bush in 2000 and 2004.

Nobody will accuse you of wasting your vote on a moonbat or a nutcase, and the war will go on and on and on, and the flag-draped coffins will keep flying back to Delaware.

Bob Merkin
Northampton Massachusetts


FreedomJoyAdventure said...

Well, there definitely are worse choices out there.

If you value the Constitution as much as I do, there really is no other choice - Ron Paul's record on the Constitution is unmatched. He has been consistent for over 20 years!

I have known about Ron Paul since at least 1985, and he is the only political candidate that I have ever made a substantial donation to.

I'm thrilled to finally have an alternative to voting for the lesser of two evils.

Anonymous said...

So far, the only thing that Ron Paul has done that sounds at all crazy is his refusal to take matching federal campaign funds...but you have to respect his unwavering convictions.

Vleeptron Dude said...

Hi, can you read? My letter was a reply to someone else who called Paul a right-wing nut case. My letter was a rather enthusiastic defense of Paul, and an urging that people seriously consider voting for him for president.

Read stuff more carefully. I write it pretty carefully.

Also you wrote an anonymous driveby comment. That's against the law here on Vleeptron. I'll remove it in a few hours.

thegoldencompass said...

Great post. You really nailed it, that the unspoken implication is the supporters of the war are sane, where Paul is a "moonbat". I can only pray that many others come to the conclusion you did.

I'd be curious to know who you picked for your favorite candidate, since it didn't sound like you'd be voting for him. There are a few other candidates in the race I respect, but not many.

Vleeptron Dude said...

Hiya goldencompass

I've found your Ron Paul blog and left a comment. I thought I was immune from being abducted by kults, but you've really done a highly pursuasive number on me.

So uhhhh well ... the odds that I'll vote for Ron Paul have just shot up enormously. Check this out:

All the rest of you, check out

and prepare to write a check, shave all your hair off, sell your car, board up your house, and devote the rest of your life to getting Ron Paul elected President of the United States.

Anonymous said...


War is unjust,
Morals gone bust,
As they are waged--
Yet raising rage
Since none desists
Makes terrorists.

As they are waged
More hate´s presaged
Instead of less.
In the US
Or in Iraq
All fades to black.

Descendants of
Iraqis who´ve
Known horrors hell:
It is not well,
Yet understand
How problems land.

I pray forgive
So you may live
This hostile crew
As chose to do
Its worst to you--
As human too.

The shame remains
While petty gains
Not even great
In days when their
Zealots would dare.

So zealotry
To helotry
Itself reduces,
And so produces
Much discontent
Not ever meant.

Know this, as heirs,
Great folly theirs
As did offend:
They met their end
And so they died.

thegoldencompass said...

I've left comments to your comments, and also on your other post you listed here! Thanks for the endorsement too, by the way.

It made my day! Keep fighting the good fight :)