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04 February 2008

PIZZAQ! Where's Waldo? Or Bob & S.W.M.B.O.?

Sure click click all you want.

Vleeptron will be shutting down temporarily. Tomorrow is my birthday and the day after that we'll be going HERE for about a week.

Everybody claims the volcano is extinct. Look -- I know volcanos, and only a volcano knows if it's extinct. But I don't think we'll be losing much sleep about it.

Specifically we'll be at a gorgeous old inn/hotel on the coast where the red arrow is. Or pretty damn close to that.

6 slices with the toppings of your choice if you can figure out where we'll be.


Anonymous said...

I know, but I won't tell :)

Anonymous said...

i would assume one of the islands of hawaii? have a good birthday mate.

Vleeptron Dude said...

Hiya abbas, thanks!

Nah, them Hawaiian volcanos is Hot Hot Hot!

Here's a Hint. This is a region of Earth where we might very likely bump into folks from Toronto. In fact I know for a fact that it's had recent Toronto visitors.

Anonymous said...

okay, let me use deduction here a la Sherlock Holmes.
Bob likes Volcanoes and Pirates, da Missus is into medieval stuff. They have been to Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man. Definetly medieval, Pirates or pirate-related stuff not unlikely but no volcanoes, at least not to my knowledge.

Iceland ? Bob has been there, maybe he wants to show it to da Missus. You will have Vikings (a sort of pirates if you ask me), more medieval stuff than you can dream of and a volcano..........which is still active because of the Geysirs. Blast, dammit, then it can only be the Carribean.
You should find some Torontonians in the Carribean escaping the frostbite season for a while. Pirates and their legends and former hiding places galore, no medieval stuff but there should be Volcanoes somewhere on those islands and the fares should not be that expensive for North Americans to hop over for a week, St Barts is cool I have been told, but the only place that I know where you can find a volcano in the Carribean is....ARUBA !!!

(and if not you could at least pass over the Tabasco bottle or pepper pincher for the effort)

Vleeptron Dude said...

Sherlock Holmes? Who's he? Some tourist who fell into Reichenbach Falls? Surely you mean Herr Kommissar Hans Berlach, the world's greatest Detektiv!

Aruba is an excellent guess! It gets no pizza, but it earns this New Hint:

The ABC Islands (Aruba, Bonaire, Curacau) are the home of a unique
"creole" language called Papiementu (which to my ear sounds very heavily flavored Portuguese -- the ABCs are very near the coast of South America).

But Papiementu has spread around this part of the Caribbean beyond the ABC islands.

On MY island, when you use a Bank Robot Machine, the first choice you get is language, and your first choice is PAPIAMENTU also. My island's bank robots speak Papiementu.

Aruba and my island are both still overseas possessions of the same Euro colonial power. They don't use the word "colony" anymore. (But also they don't use the word "independent" or "free.") But the same old Euro power still runs things.

Oh, here's a GREAT HINT if you're REALLY Kommissar Berlach oder Sherlock Holmes:

On one day on my island, the Prime Minister of this Euro nation came
to visit! (I waited to snap his photo, but his boring old government meeting took so long, so I gave up & went back to the hotel.)

So ... last week, where were all the PMs of all the big Western Euro former colonial powers? Which one flew away for a few days to get a suntan in the Caribbean? (The poor man and his entourage were all wearing hot grey suits and ties, I was in short pants with a crazy tropical shirt with crazy tropical fish.)

Anonymous said...

. oh now I know, but i am not saying it. as a european and especially SWISS i have an advantage. I can watch news from several countries in their original lingo including the one in question, thanks to a school system where at least 2 foreign languages apart from you mother tongue are mandatory. the PM chap Bob mentioned has been in the news around the world for....not politics..but...something else....termite culture-wise

Vleeptron Dude said...

Good try! But ... you have the Wrong Prime Minister, the Wrong former Colonial Power, and the Wrong Island ... in fact French Guyana isn't an Island, but of course it still has Devil's Island.

So ... Different country, different PM, different island, different volcano, etc.

And now I must go out into the ice and snow ... grrrrrr

Vleeptron Dude said...

Oboy you e-mailed me a lovely blue bottle of Curacao liqueur ... but Wrong Island.

But korrekt Euro Colonial Power.

I'll give you the Pizza if you guess either of 2 islands -- because the PM visited both islands and we were on both islands.

But the island in the image at the top of this post has the extinct volcano, and is a smaller island. And it's where we spent most of our time.

Buy flowers online said...

Definetly medieval, Pirates or pirate-related stuff not unlikely but no volcanoes, at least not to my knowledge.