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09 September 2008

Apostles atop Cathedral-Basilica of Mary, Queen of the World / Cathedral Marie-Reine-du-Monde / Montreal Quebec Canada

Clicking will do great things.

Oh, I forgot to say this was the view outside my window at the Hotel Queen Elizabeth / le Reine Elizabeth, which is built above the Montreal train station. They should have charged extra for the view, but I don't think they do. Great hotel, super-great train station, has very nice food court and everything a train traveller needs. And you can practice your French, which is very appreciated.

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Vleeptron Dude said...

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Over the last 2 weeks robots have been leaving meaningless short comments in bad English all over VleeptronZ. A lot of them are Spanish-language furniture (muebles) sites.

When will the war between human sentients and digital robots ever end? Who will win? Will we all end up working for and meeting the needs of the digital robots? Ever heard of the Amazon Mechanical Turk?