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28 November 2007

every hectare of Antarctica without clouds

I'm going to Maine for 3 days. The coast. Crashing waves on boulders. Lighthouses. Lobsters in front of a roaring fireplace. Then I'll be back to finish my nervous breakdown over cleaning out this shitpit of an office so I can get my new supercomputer installed.

Meanwhile ... where should YOU go???



Anonymous said...

The server you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable, please try again later

........that is the message I just got, but I will try again. Antarctica sounds cool. could well be that i might start to work for an Airline, get bonus miles as a goodie, hey, I can slowly feel a plan unfolding....From BSL to BUE to Punta Arenas and then south...why not, if I get enough bonus miles, but first I need to get that job in the first place.

As for the new Vleepron Calvinistic Supercomputer I still urge you to get Ubuntu. I got Vista now, it looks good but it sucks terribly in performance, half the drivers and most of the softwre dont work anymore. Ubuntu is free, safe, linux (you can write your own software) looks good, is very small but powerful, very sexy with a 3d graphics card, user friendly and most of all you will help to destry Microsoft. I will dump Vista in favour of Ubuntu as soon as I had a chat with those tech nerds from Swisscom.

Vleeptron Dude said...

The new cloudless Antarctica interactive map from the satellites was just announced in news stories last night. The first time I tried it, I got lucky right away, maybe I was one of the first to read the story and click the link. A half hour later came the frame screen but a 3 minute delay before the image filled it. So my guess is for the next week you can expect delays or error messages, but after that, things should calm down and you can zoom in on the top of the heads of the penguins and see which ones have bald spots.

But it's really awesome.

Good luck for travelling, also. The Antarctica eco-tourist cruise ship that just struck an iceberg and sank (everybody rescued) -- well, that's an example of Vleeptron 1st Law of Travel:

Always fly on an airplane the week after they have a crash.

So this is the year to investigate an Antarctica eco-tour. Cheaper fares, fewer drunk officers on the bridge, and I think maybe they stop with the Liberian ship registry crap, and register with slightly more respectable nation.

Anonymous said...

pat is onto something there. i just bought a new t61p. immediately installed gutsy gibbon on it. i suggest you do the same.